Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.’’
Harriet Tubman
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Page of Wands is illustrated as a regally dressed young man holding a tall wand. His yellow tunic is decorated with black salamanders, representing the fire element of the Court of Wands. In a closer examination of the card, we see him gazing to the wand, contemplating his next course of action. In some tarot decks he may be depicted as an androgynous figure.
Page of Wands represents an individual or a situation with characteristic qualities of the card. When interpreted as a specific person, it is likely to be a younger male or female that has one of the fire element zodiac signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) in his natal chart.
The nature of Page of Wands is all about following what inspires him. He is bright, enthusiastic and extroverted. He follows life with an endless curiosity, creativity and passion. He could also represent apprenticeship or a student.
Generally, this card describes the initial steps you take towards something new, exciting and creative. Often, the fear of failure stops us from reaching our fullest potential. But to the young Page, the journey is just as important as the end result. As he confidently moves forward to the next adventure, he also bears cheerful news to the querent. This could be about an adventure, a new relationship or a business idea.

Page of Wands Keywords
Swift news
Lack of action
Upright Page of Wands
Guidance: The Page of Wands offers a boost of creative expression and free thinking in your reading. It also highlights the importance of all the life experiences you gained along the way. The Page of Wands is always learning, ever curious and passionate in anything he does; even if he makes a mistake every now and then. Now it is your time to face fear of failure and live a bold life. You can also expect good news to arrive shortly.
Love: The Page of Wands in love is fun, adventurous and passionate. Since Pages are the youngest members of the court cards, they may be sometimes immature and flirty. If you are already in a committed relationship, this card deepens your bonds with your partner, especially in intimacy. It could also symbolize beginning of a new relationship or receiving a romantic offer. Someone may reveal their feelings through a text or a phone call soon.
Work/Finances: The Page of Wands typically represents initial steps to new beginnings and developing new skills. It can represent a student or apprentice. You are full of new ideas and inspirations. This is a wonderful time for you to follow your passion, ideas and creative side. If you are exploring new opportunities or considering starting something new, the Page of Wands says go for it! Since Pages are messengers, success and good news are on its way.
Health: Since the Page of Wands is vibrant and youthful in nature, overall it represents rejuvenation and good news concerning health. You will be feeling more energetic and motivated. Of course, this does not mean you should sit and expect results. This card suggests that the steps you take towards your well being will pay off.
Spirituality: The message of Page of Wands is to know yourself deeper and express yourself freely. Explore what makes you feel fulfilled and what holds you back. Liberate yourself from the fear of following your heart.
Guidance: Upright Page of Wands means swift progress and news and when reversed, you may be encountering delays, stagnation and frustration. You want to achieve your desires as fast as possible, but you are experiencing frustrating obstacles along the way. The good news is, you can take an action against it and turn it in your favor. You have tremendous fiery potential within you waiting to be unlocked. This is just the start of your journey. Stay patient and focused.
Love: The Page of Wands is the youngest in his family, so in reversed it can represent someone who is childish, temperamental and sometimes dishonest. He acts on his momentary impulses without thinking the consequences. There is usually a lot of passion in the relationship, but the energy and communication are all over the place. In order to maintain a more stable connection, you need to express your wants and needs more clearly.
Work/Finances: This reversal is a sign of complications, frustrations and delays, especially if you are starting something new. You may be experiencing a scattered mind, which often leads to unfinished tasks. You may need to focus on developing your skills more. More patience and hard work needed in order to succeed. Alternatively, an individual may be acting as a distraction from your work, giving you false information or gossiping about you. Whatever the case is, you are advised to stay calm and cautious.
Health: This card indicates lack of action, confusion and minor complications. You may be feeling energetically and emotionally down, lazy or unmotivated to start a health goal. Try being more active if this resonates. Pay attention to moderation. It also tells you that if you want to see better results, you need to be more patient and optimistic.
Spirituality: The Page of Wands reversed encourages you to move beyond your self-limiting beliefs. Start by asking yourself, have you ever experienced yourself without any insecurities or fears? How would it feel to be that person? Once you identify and face the problems, you are one step closer to reach your fullest potential.