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Dark Asteroids in Astrology: Nessus, Dejanira, Karma, Lucifer & More

Do you want to delve into the darker side of Astrology? Are you in an investigative mood? Then this is the right article for you.

Asteroids in astrology is a highly debated topic. There are so many of them and not enough data. While some people don’t give any significance to minor asteroids in astrological analysis, some are very interested to find out more about them. I think it is best to observe them without jumping to a serious conclusion.

Keep in mind that following asteroids are most prominent when it is aspecting angles and personal planets. Tighter the orb (0-3) , the more powerful its influence is felt.

How to find asteroids in your birth chart:

1. Go tho

2. Click on My Astro. If you don’t have an account, you can still create a chart as a guest user.

3. Fill out the Birth Data Entry.

4. Click on Extended Chart Selection.

5. Click on Additional Objects.

6. For asteroids, enter their official catalogue numbers written below:

Nessus: 7066



Asteroid Lilith: 1181

Karma: 3811

Nemesis: 128





7. Generate your birth chart.

Dark Asteroids in Astrology: Nessus, Dejanira, Karma, Lucifer & More by

Nessus (7066)

When we are talking about dark asteroids, we have to talk about Nessus- commonly known as asteroid of abuse.

Since its early discovery in 93’, asteroid Nessus has a negative connotation in Astrology- mainly due to its mythological association.

In Greek mythology, Nessus was one of the Centaurs where he eventually becomes a ferryman. One time, he was carrying Heracles’ bride Dejanira across the river. Then, Nessus attempted to have intercourse with her. Hearing the cries of his beautiful bride, Heracles shot Nessus with a poisoned arrow. During his final moments, Nessus convinced Dejanira that infecting Herackles with his poisoned blood would ensure that Heracles would love her forever. Dejanira believed in him- and this eventually led to Heracles’ death.

Now you can see why Nessus in astrology is associated with dark themes such as abuse, tyranny and trauma. We all have this asteroid in our birth charts and it doesn’t always mean that someone is an abuser. As always, the whole chart should be taken into account before jumping to a conclusion.

A prominent Nessus in the birth chart such as Nessus conjunct Sun, Moon or ASC aspects can manifest itself as strong impulses and possibly abusive tendencies if the rest of the chart also confirms it.

Natal Nessus in Scorpio/ 8th house can suggest themes of sexual or emotional abuse, manipulation, and power struggles. With these placements, Nessus is seeking a deep transformation to break away from negative patterns.

With Nassus in partner’s 8 house in a synastry chart, there can be trust issues and obsession.

Dejanira (157)

Dejanira is the victim in the Nessus story. You can read about Nessus myth above.

Some people won’t even notice their Dejanira influence. Others may closely relate to it, especially if it is conjunct an angle (ASC, DSC, IC, MC) or a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars).

In a birth chart, Dejanira on IC could represent family trauma or difficulties in childhood/home.

With Dejanira conjunct ASC, the person may be perceived as a victim by others.

Natal Dejanira conjunct Moon is a hard aspect which could indicate victim mindset or mental/emotional trauma.

Nessus conjunct Dejanira aspect in synastry is also significant, as it represents the abuser-victim dynamic. It doesn’t have to play out this way, but it is something to be aware of.

Chiron (2060)

Chiron was considered to be an asteroid when it was discovered in 77’. Now it is classified as a comet/planetoid.

In Greek mythology, Chiron is one of the Centaurs who was thought to be the wisest. He was accidentally wounded by a poisonous arrow. Wound was incredibly agonizing and incurable, but since he was an immortal, he could not die. Chiron couldn’t heal himself, yet he continued to heal others. This is why he is also called the ‘’wounded healer’’.

Chiron in Astrology shows our deepest wound. For example, Chiron in 11th house could indicate social issues such as painful friendships, being bullied, feeling rejected, etc. You can discover more about your natal Chiron here: Chiron in the Signs and Houses.

Chiron Return is also very significant, because it is a once in a lifetime event. Chiron takes approximately 49 years to travel all 12 zodiac signs, so we all go through our Chiron Return around our 50th birthday. During this time, we revisit our core wounds and try to heal them.

You may also be interested in: Sun-Chiron Aspects in Synastry

Asteroid Lilith (1181)

Asteroid Lilith is the only Lilith that has a celestial body. There are three Liliths in Astrology- Black Moon Lilith is the most commonly known, Asteroid Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith (or Waldemath Moon). All three Liliths in astrology revolve around the same mythology.

In astrology, Lilith is associated with deep, dark aspects of the feminine. She represents our primitive impulses- our rage, how we rebel or find our voice. She can also represent our sexual fantasies in the rawest form.

If you want to know more about the three Liliths and what your Lilith sign says about you, you can read this article:

Lilith aspects in synastry are loaded with intrigue, obsession and more importantly, a dark magnetism, which makes them one of the most mysterious aspects found in a synastry chart.

When Lilith aspects are activated in your relationship, she does not only bring out primal instincts, desires, and shadow personalities of each other to the surface, but more often than not she also triggers issues surrounding jealousy, being desired and self indulgence.

If you are interested in Lilith’s role in relationships, these articles may help you:

Karma (3811)

Karma is an interesting asteroid that can show what you bring from past lives and how it is manifested in your current life.

Although karmic astrology focuses on other more important parts of the natal chart such as North Node, South Node and Saturn- Karma 3811 can also be considered as an alternative way.

Karma is the law of consequences, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be bad for everyone. How this asteroid will express itself depends on what kind of karma you have.

A well aspected Karma can indicate positive karma and good fortune.

On the other hand, negative aspects such as Karma square Mars can be an indication of negative karma.

Asteroid Karma 3811 can be interesting to look at in synastry charts as well. Karma square Pluto aspect in a synastry chart may represent a karmic debt. If you are interested in karma in relationships, you may also like this : Saturn Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars

Nemesis (128)

In Greek mythology, Nemesis is the Goddess of Divine Retribution. Originally, she is the force that equalizes fortune. Right now, the word Nemesis is used to represent rivalry and revenge.

In Astrology, asteroid Nemesis can represent these mythological themes such as one’s enemies, negative karma, faults, etc.

For example, Nemesis in 10th house could suggest competition or rivalry in professional life.

Sado (118230)

Astrologically, asteroid Sado represents sadistic tendencies, mistreatment and abusive patterns.

When Sado is featured strongly in a natal or synastry chart, it doesn’t immediately mean sadism- but it is something to be aware of. For example, Sado conjunct Chiron in synastry might indicate that Sado person is hurting Chiron person’s deepest wound. Sado conjunct Ascendant in a natal chart might indicate self abusive behaviors (if the rest of the chart also confirms it).

Lucifer (1930)

We all know the story of the fallen angel. Lucifer longed to be worshipped himself, so he defied God.

The main theme of Asteroid Lucifer in Astrology is excessive pride. In your birth chart it can also show some ‘’devilish’’ traits such as where you challenge authority, self serving behaviors, how you develop your ego and free will, etc.

Natal Lucifer conjunct Sun would be an obvious example of a big ego. Lucifer in the 8th house might have a mischievous or greedy attitude towards sex, occult and finances.

Atropos (273)

Atropos is one of the Morai in Greek mythology, the three goddesses of destiny. She was the one that cut the thread of life of mortals, so astrologically she represents endings and inevitability.

A prominent Atropos in a synastry chart can suggest fated encounters. It doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship is destined to end- it is more likely about a transformation that needs to take place.

Achilles (588)

Asteroid Achilles represents your most vulnerable point, aka your “Achilles’ heel”. An adjustment may be needed in the house that it is in.

For example, Achilles in 2nd house can suggest a person who may be overly confident about their financial security.

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