The Lovers is the 6th card of Major Arcana. Discover the full meaning of the Lovers card here
The Seven of Swords is the 7th card of Suit of Swords in Minor Arcana. Discover the full meaning of the Seven of Swords card here

In the Lovers and Seven of Swords combination, there is an important decision to be made (The Lovers) but something is being kept hidden from you (the Seven of Swords).
The person represented by the Seven of Swords is being secretive. This may be intentional, such as lying or cheating, or unintentional due to fears or trust issues.
Regardless, with the Lovers and Seven of Swords together in your tarot reading, you are cautioned to be more perceptive in your relationship with someone, whether it is about work, family or love.
With the Lovers card, there is always a dualistic aspect to this matter. This tells us that in this combination, person or situation represented by the Seven of Swords has two very different sides.
Let's explore this in detail:
The Lovers and Seven of Swords Tarot Combination in Love
The Lovers and Seven of Swords can be a disheartening combination to see in love readings, because it talks about a hidden layer in the relationship.
Most of the time, you will see this combination when the partner represented by the Seven of Swords has conflicting feelings, or a lack of relationship/communication skills.
With the Lovers card, there is choice to move on from this connection, or work on being more open and trusting.
Since the Seven of Swords is a very illusive card, interpretations may vary. Here are some examples:
Trust issues despite strong feelings of love and passion.
Not knowing what you want in a relationship.
An affair or a secret (the Seven of Swords): Having feelings for two people, a choice needs to be made (the Lovers)
A partner not sharing the truth or the full picture of a situation
Not wanting to get too close, fear of commitment
A partner giving mixed signals.
The Lovers and Seven of Swords Tarot Combination in Work
Generally speaking, the Lovers and Seven of swords combination in work/finances related readings suggests to act cautiously before making a big decision, especially if your situation involves other people.
The Seven of Swords represents someone being less diplomatic and more evasive when it comes to their communications.
This can result in a couple of different outcomes:
A need to make a decision, a crossroads (the Lovers). Act careful, don’t trust immediately: You don’t have the full picture yet. (Seven of Swords)
Money or an information being kept hidden.
Not being sure about your career path or choices
Unfair competition
A Manipulative, deceptive, cunning person (Seven of Swords), playing two sides (the Lovers)
Read the fine print, between the lines before signing a contract.