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The Best, Most Informative Tarot Spreads For Love And Relationships

Let’s be honest, you can always ask your tarot deck a question and get an answer by just picking a card. So why bother with laying out a spread instead?

Because the right tarot spread will give you the full picture of a relationship/person. The good and the bad. The hidden, the potential, past, future and present of your connection will all be laid out in front of you.

When you are doing a tarot spread, it is very important to ask your questions as precisely as you can.

For example, if you are asking for the future of your love life, mention the time period you want to know: 3 months from now, a year from now, in the next 6 months, etc.

Relationships are multidimensional, therefore picking one tarot card is often not enough. Whether you want to make an important decision in your existing relationship, or you just met someone and you want to know their feelings and your possible future with them, in order to understand your connection better through tarot, I recommend using a tarot spread best suited to your situation.

Below I will share my favorite, most informative love tarot spreads for couples and singles:

''Who Is He/She In This Connection?'' Tarot Spread

Best for: New relationships, friendships, clarifying someone's inner personality

Do you have doubts or questions about someone you met? Are they being truthful? If these are your questions, this is your tarot spread.

Who is he/she in this connection? Tarot love spread

What to ask and why:

  • How they show themselves to you? : To reveal their outer personality

  • How they really are : To reveal their inner personality

  • Their thoughts about you : Their mental realm

  • Their feelings towards you : Their emotional realm

  • Their intentions towards you

  • Their future actions : Will their actions align with their thoughts, feelings or intentions?

''Where Is This Relationship Going?'' Tarot Spread

Best for: Long term or new couples

This love tarot spread is the best when you are considering making a big change in your love life or to understand strengths and weaknesses of your relationship moving forward.

best love and relationship tarot spreads

What to ask and why:

  • Where you are in this relationship right now : How you see them

  • Where they are in this relationship right now : How they see you

  • What are your desires/goals for the relationship : What do you want in the future with them?

  • What are their desires/goals for the relationship : What do they want in the future with you?

  • What makes your connection stronger

  • What is their obstacle vs yours : External or internal factors that may be blocking your relationship

  • What needs to be avoided : Unhealthy/negative behaviors, thoughts, situations

  • The possible outcome

''What's Next In Love For Me?'' Tarot Spread

Best for: Singles, understanding your potentials and obstacles in your love future

What is next in love for me? Tarot love spread

What to ask and why:

  • What I want from a relationship: Your desires/vision of how your next relationship should be

  • What I really need from a relationship: Are you ready for love or do you need to work on yourself first?

  • What can be done to find true love

  • Lessons to learn from the past: What past relationships teach you, what are your relationship patterns?

  • What do I need to avoid/ What keeps me blocked

  • The possible outcome



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