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The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man Tarot Combination in Love, Work, Money & Health

The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man Tarot Combination in Love

The Seven of Cups generally comes up when you have abundance of choices ahead of you. For example, it can indicate multiple love interests if you are single.

With the Hanged Man next to it, you may be quite uncertain about what to do next- this situation seems to be suspended in air at this time.

If you have unrealistic expectations in love, or feel stuck in a state of fantasy, wishful thinking, or fear- the Hanged Man tells you that it is time to shift your perspective.

If there is a big decision you need to make in your love life, the Seven of Cups and Hanged man is also a warning that your emotions may be clouding your judgement. When you are stuck between your head and heart, perhaps it is best to find a balance between them.

When you are asking about someone’s feelings for you, and you draw the Seven of Cups- this mainly shows that their head is in the clouds. They may be thinking about multiple people/options, or evaluating their feelings for you. The Hanged Man as feelings represent feeling stuck and uncertain. Overall, this person is not able to make a serious decision at this time.

As relationship outcome, the Seven of Cups and Hanged man tarot combination does not offer any certainty. Instead, it indicates that this connection is completely suspended right now- you need to be patient. If nothing changed for a long time despite your efforts, the Hanged Man’s advice is to change your course instead.

The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man Tarot Combination in Work/Money

With the Seven of Cups in present/future position, you are no short of options- difficulty is making the right decision and sticking with it.

This card also warns you about the dangers of daydreaming. Sometimes we get stuck on thinking, evaluating and fantasizing. If this resonates with you, the Hanged Man in your reading has a message: Sometimes any action is better that no action- especially if you feel stuck in a dead-end situation for a long time.

If you are asking about an outcome, things seems to be very uncertain and suspended at this time.

Make sure you have a realistic long term plan: The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man together in a work/money reading is generally not a good sign. With the Hanged Man- your career, ambitions or projects may be put ‘on hold’. With the Seven of Cups, unrealistic expectations may be the reason that is holding you back.

It is best to define your goals and strategy moving forward. This is not a good time to force or rush into things. Change your perspective if necessary.

The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man Tarot Combination in Health

If you have been having trouble sticking to a health goal, the Seven of Cups encourages you to transform your health goals into reality by making small changes. With the Hanged Man, progress may be slower than expected so patience is necessary.

If you feel stuck or stressed in your life- change up your routine to get your energy flowing again.

Alternatively, the Seven of Cups is a warning about unrealistic health goals.

The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man Tarot Combination in Love, Work, Money & Health by

Is it a yes or a no?

The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man combination is not a clear yes or a no.


There are many possibilities ahead of you, but change will come only when you make up your mind.


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